By now to everyone's knowledge ,the very big news is Prospect ' s very first LAPLAND LONGSPUR.Found by birding maestro Rob Jett,the rare for Kings County bird was observed on Field 7 at southwest Ballfields which barely two weeks ago hosted a Vesper Sparrow .Unfortunately any other good birds seen today were greatly overshadowed yet were pursued nevertheless.
First an update on the Longspur. Staying true to field 7, when I arrived after work 330 ,I found several local birders watching the bird along the first base side dugout.Then it flushed and landed near us by third base at a puddle before taking off ,flying over us a few times before landing in the construction fence of field 1 outfield. .We hope it sticks around like the Vesper Sparrow. Home plate for Vesper, 1st base for Lapland; whats in store for second base next at Field 7 ? ( yes , I recalled the Abbott & Costello gig. A What ?)
While the longspur celebre had full attention , there were other good birds seen today. Linda Ewing reported AMERICAN WOODCOCK , EASTERN BLUEBIRD, respectively at Lullwater Cove and Nethermead.The Woodcock was observed walking along the fence in the leaf clutter by Linda originally. I re found the bird around 445 well hidden in the leaf clutter under some branches of a limb hanging down, in the same area 20 feet inside from the fence, just west of the Lullwater cove observation platform , along the descending trail to the water.The Bluebirds were not refound despite a search.There certainly will be more.
Sparrows are in very good numbers dominated by WHITE THROATED and DARK EYED JUNCOs. But among them, good sparrows FIELD at Upper Pool Wildflower Meadow, several WHITE CROWNED ( Breeze Hill lawn by the feeders site,and the green roof above the rink) , and LINCOLNS , one at southeast Nethermead, and one at the Peninsula Sumacs.
Speaking of Lakeside's green roof, some really good reports of birds there from Rob Bate. Today after the Longspur sighting, seen on that Rink green roof, Rob Bate reported a late PRAIRIE WARBLER, possible briefly seen Vesper Sparrow and WHITE CROWNED SPARROWS there as well. Last, a good bird in EAGLE, namely BALD spotted by Rob Jett , a juvenile over Long Meadow. But all those good birds on any given day would be great sightings except in today's case, trumped by an arctic bird called LAPLAND LONGSPUR. A good one, Rob Jett.
By the way, NYC Audubon has a talk tomorrow eve 6 pm on Green Roofs and their wildlife benefit at the Arsenal at Central Park headquarters of the NYC Parks department. Check their website