-----Original Message-----
From: CageFamily@aol.com
To: prosbird
Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 5:38 pm
Subject: RE: Warbling Vireo
A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements,miscellany in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden & north half of Kings County, & Greenwood Cemetery.A service for Brooklyn birders and visitors. Also note: Conservation issues & miscellany posts.
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Blue Heron |
Green Heron |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Turkey Vulture |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Mallard |
Ruddy Duck |
Osprey |
Red-tailed Hawk |
American Coot |
Laughing Gull |
Ring-billed Gull |
Herring Gull |
Great Black-backed Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Belted Kingfisher |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Eastern Kingbird |
Yellow-throated Vireo |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Warbling Vireo |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Tree Swallow |
Bank Swallow |
Barn Swallow |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Tufted Titmouse |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Carolina Wren |
House Wren |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
Veery |
Hermit Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
European Starling |
Blue-winged Warbler |
Northern Parula |
Yellow Warbler |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Pine Warbler |
Prairie Warbler |
Palm Warbler |
Cerulean Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
American Redstart |
Ovenbird |
Northern Waterthrush |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Common Yellowthroat |
Scarlet Tanager |
Eastern Towhee |
Chipping Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Swamp Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Common Grackle |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Baltimore Oriole |
Purple Finch |
American Goldfinch |
House Sparrow |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Egret |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Mallard |
Ruddy Duck |
Red-tailed Hawk |
American Coot |
Laughing Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Belted Kingfisher |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Warbling Vireo |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Tree Swallow |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow |
Barn Swallow |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Tufted Titmouse |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Carolina Wren |
House Wren |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
Hermit Thrush |
American Robin |
European Starling |
Northern Parula |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Pine Warbler |
Palm Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
Ovenbird |
Northern Waterthrush |
Eastern Towhee |
Chipping Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Swamp Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Common Grackle |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Purple Finch |
American Goldfinch |
House Sparrow |