Topping the Halloween tweets ( or should it be treats? ) are a few good birds reported in Prospect. In a typical place one certainly want to spend their day is Greenwood Cemetery where a report mentioned good birding activity.
Beginning with Prospect,American Pipits are the top treat. Twitterer chef loughlin found a dozen bird on Prospects ballfields. Adding to the sighting ,a Red shouldered Hawk flew over. An Eastern Bluebird continued at field 5.
Meanwhile at Greenwood, American Woodcock reign. Orrin teported 5 such birds near Central Ave near Myrtle Path. A report later on Brooklyn Bird Alert says there were lots of sparrows there includingAn amazing morning birding Greenwood Cemetery. Hundreds of sparrows including 4+ White-crowned, Field and Fox. American Woodcock, Blue-headed Vireo, 5 Pine Siskin, 6 Eastern Bluebird, 6 Red-shouldered Hawk, and 3 uAmerican Kestrel. A second report added VESPER SPARROW at Green-Wood Cemetery Dell Water.
I wouldn't be nervous birding Green wood today if I had the day off.
Happy Haunting!
A newsboard for reporting bird sightings, happenings & announcements,miscellany in north Brooklyn and the 3 main central north Brooklyn green regions : historic Prospect Park, Brooklyn Botanic Garden & north half of Kings County, & Greenwood Cemetery.A service for Brooklyn birders and visitors. Also note: Conservation issues & miscellany posts.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Fwd: BBC's First Sunday Bird Walk Nov 4th
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tina Alleva <>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2018, 11:29 AM
Subject: BBC's First Sunday Bird Walk Nov 4th
From: Tina Alleva <>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2018, 11:29 AM
Subject: BBC's First Sunday Bird Walk Nov 4th
Reminder this Sunday November 4th is BBC's First Sunday bird walk. Meet at the boathouse at 8am. (It's is daylight savings this Sunday so you get an extra hour of sleep) Paul Keim is leading this month's walk.
Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder)
RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 0:55 PM on Wed, Oct 31, 2018:
Bluebirds ballfield 5 backstop
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Bluebirds ballfield 5 backstop
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 11:14 AM on Wed, Oct 31, 2018:
Prospect Park baseball fields have about a dozen Pipits and a Red Shoulder Hawk right now #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Prospect Park baseball fields have about a dozen Pipits and a Red Shoulder Hawk right now #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) vesper sparr
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 10:39 AM on Wed, Oct 31, 2018:
VESPER SPARROW at Green-Wood Cemetery Dell Water
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VESPER SPARROW at Green-Wood Cemetery Dell Water
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 10:20 AM on Wed, Oct 31, 2018:
From Orrin in Greenwood cemtery: 5 woodcocks and counting, Central Ave nr Myrtle Path.
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From Orrin in Greenwood cemtery: 5 woodcocks and counting, Central Ave nr Myrtle Path.
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Monday, October 29, 2018
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 6:19 PM on Mon, Oct 29, 2018:
Field Sparrow at Green-Wood Cemetery, looking grayer than usual on a gray morning, by Gus Keri
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Field Sparrow at Green-Wood Cemetery, looking grayer than usual on a gray morning, by Gus Keri
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Sunday, October 28, 2018
Promises of winter finch excursions
As sparrows begin to dwindle in the coming week even though it' s still looking strong for emberizidae ,we have to start thinking winter birds. This is the time now when winter finches migrate when Canada yonder starts freezing up.
By now, birders are aware Purple finches were already moving in ( I had one along Well Drive. Well,how about PINE SISKINS? This petite streaky species with yellowish wingbars appeared this afternoon in Greenwood Cemetery. In fact,over twenty birds counted by Tom Preston at the Florio path is news ,a flock pointing to an exciting winter for hardy birders.
Sparrows continue to dominate in some spots around the area. I ventured into Prospect after 3 pm and found the Peninsula meadow teeming with CHIPPING SPARROWS and DARK EYED JUNCOS. But the difficulty of seeing these guys was made worse by large swaths of high grass they hid in. Everytime I took a slow step forward the chippies and friends would fly up into the surrounding trees making it impossible to see the hidden buggers. Some gingko fruit collectors came along into the meadow and I watched at least 70 birds shoot upwards like blizzering snowflakes.
There are reports of a few LINCOLN SPARROWS. Reported in Prospect along the Tennis House south border,also others reported in Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 6; a third specimen appeared in Greenwood Cemetery.
Some late Warblers came through. Ryan G found a MAGNOLIA in asters in the southwest part of Prospect. Tom P recorded late OVENBIRD at Greenwood's Sylvan Water.
I didn't mention much about CHIMNEY SWIFTS this fall. It's an ordinary species for most birders but what is going on with this Swift's tardiness? Almost every day the past month,its presence covers most of the northern Brooklyn parks. Today 15 were observed over Prospect lake. Also seen at Greenwood,the species eats insects and should be gone by now 🤔.
Enjoy the week of new birding.
By now, birders are aware Purple finches were already moving in ( I had one along Well Drive. Well,how about PINE SISKINS? This petite streaky species with yellowish wingbars appeared this afternoon in Greenwood Cemetery. In fact,over twenty birds counted by Tom Preston at the Florio path is news ,a flock pointing to an exciting winter for hardy birders.
Sparrows continue to dominate in some spots around the area. I ventured into Prospect after 3 pm and found the Peninsula meadow teeming with CHIPPING SPARROWS and DARK EYED JUNCOS. But the difficulty of seeing these guys was made worse by large swaths of high grass they hid in. Everytime I took a slow step forward the chippies and friends would fly up into the surrounding trees making it impossible to see the hidden buggers. Some gingko fruit collectors came along into the meadow and I watched at least 70 birds shoot upwards like blizzering snowflakes.
There are reports of a few LINCOLN SPARROWS. Reported in Prospect along the Tennis House south border,also others reported in Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 6; a third specimen appeared in Greenwood Cemetery.
Some late Warblers came through. Ryan G found a MAGNOLIA in asters in the southwest part of Prospect. Tom P recorded late OVENBIRD at Greenwood's Sylvan Water.
I didn't mention much about CHIMNEY SWIFTS this fall. It's an ordinary species for most birders but what is going on with this Swift's tardiness? Almost every day the past month,its presence covers most of the northern Brooklyn parks. Today 15 were observed over Prospect lake. Also seen at Greenwood,the species eats insects and should be gone by now 🤔.
Enjoy the week of new birding.
Fwd: Green-Wood
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Sun, Oct 28, 2018, 3:28 PM
Subject: Green-Wood
To: Peter Dorosh <>
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Sun, Oct 28, 2018, 3:28 PM
Subject: Green-Wood
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Best birds I saw at GWC today were white-crowned sparrows, several juveniles and one adult (picture). Also, a few towhees, a cooper's hawk, and bunches of kinglets (mostly ruby-crowned), chipping sparrows, juncos, white-throated sparrows, palm warblers, yellow-rumped warblers; a raven, several red-tails, a white-breasted nuthatch, and a few titmice
Reported at 235 by Tom Preston Greenwood Florio path flock of 20+ pine Siskin in a conifer. Bluebird nearby
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Fwd: Merlin at Prospect Park!
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 27, 2018 07:00 PM
Subject: Merlin at Prospect Park!
Friday, October 26, 2018
sparrow smorgasboid
Needing my car that i forgot to bring home from work Thursday afternoon, ,my late home departure required a short birding stint. The best location obviously was the ballfields. Stopping first at a location I mentioned last year as potential good sparrow habitat, I stopped at the large berm mound behind Field 7 at the southwest corner. The mound was filled with sparrows. Whenever they were spooked, they would fly down slope towards the fence or gap between the mound and fence, on the other side replete with various tall flowers like asters,perfect food for the birds. On the mound, with numerous DARK EYED JUNCOS, a lone WHITE CROWNED SPARROW juvenile stood out, Suddenly spooked they all flew up to a young sapling; I figured on a hawk, and sure enough in the distance appears to be a COOPERS HAWK that I only saw the raptor's back.
I continued on , pressed for time , and arrived at field 2. And as usually good here at field 2 and 3, I saw sparrows along the 3rd base dugout area. Seeing mostly Juncos again, I quickly spotted the striking heads of adult WHITE CROWNED SPARROWS-- not one but two; better yet, I found all together there five White crowned, three juvrniles in the alley between the fields. I cant recall seeing that many in one spot in Prospect.
My afternoon adventure didn't yield anything special. However happy to get out, I found the West Island Hammerhead cove quite lush with asters and beggar ticks plant and other native plants ,namely Rushes. Not surprisingly, scattered birds moved around, mostly AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES, SWAMP SPARROW, SONG SPARROW and WHITE THROATED SPARROWS. This area should be on any birders agenda to check thru the rest of Fall.A HAIRY WOODPECKER appeared overhead in a tall elm with harassing BLUE JAYS; Several YELLOW RUMPED WARBLERS witha WESTERN PALM alighted on a fallen limb in the water edge:these sightings nevertheless entertained me on my slow pace.
The Rink green roof was next on my itinerary and it was the lawn before it that captivated my attention. Adjacent to the road leading to Lefrak ( now open for ice skating season) at least 60 sparrows hunkered down in the grass. HOUSE SPARROWS didn't hide a hoped for Dickcissel but CHIPPING SPARROWS with the usual Songs and White throateds. With the rink greenwood barren of birds in the now approaching dusk, I quickly checked the shoreline for the Gallinule. There hasn't been any reports the last two days and so it is I didn't see any gallinule.
On the way home along the south lakeside, under the now vibrant colorful Sugar Maples, energetic WHITE THROATED SPARROWS pecked away the lawn beneath the iconic trees, I watched, as the sparrows moved near me,rushing along,wondering what a great moment to experience migration at its autumn best.
Adding to sparrow smorgasboid, Tripper reported a VESPER SPARROW in the Nethermead this mid afternoon. There were several Vesper Sparrow reports today in Prospect as I read the rarity Ebird alerts.The EASTERN MEADOWLARK, not fazed by Prospects patrons, continues to roam the Nethermead. A triple bonus in the Nethermead materialized with EASTERN BLUEBIRD early in the morning.
In other parks nearby in the North Brooklyn area, more sparrows made the news. CLAY COLORED ventured into Fort Greene Park by Willougby Ave entrance; also the same regarding this sparrow in Greenwood Cemetery.. Reported Lincolns at Greenwood Cemetery with flyover EASTERN BLUEBIRD keeps Greenwood's fall season exciting. And last, Brooklyn Bridge Park , quiet this fall, came through with WHITE CROWNED SPARROWS of their own. Its sparrows smorgasboid everywhere!
A late GRAY CHEEKED THRUSH was reported in Greenwood Cemetery.
Except for the brave birders viewing pelagic birds on the coast, I think I'll stay indoors tomorrow. Or maybe after the rains slow down abit, it might be a good idea to check the lake for a blown in seabird. Its a hope.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 4:26 PM on Fri, Oct 26, 2018:
clay colored sparrow fort greene park in grass near Willoughby entrance #birdbk via @excitedstoat
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clay colored sparrow fort greene park in grass near Willoughby entrance #birdbk via @excitedstoat
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:12 PM on Fri, Oct 26, 2018:
EASTERN BLUEBIRD at Prospect Park Nethermead #birdbk via @Jeanmshum
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EASTERN BLUEBIRD at Prospect Park Nethermead #birdbk via @Jeanmshum
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:51 PM on Fri, Oct 26, 2018:
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW and Lincoln's Sparrow at Green-Wood Cemetery Dell Water this morning; Lincoln's also at Sylvan Water. American Woodcock in the park, too, #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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CLAY-COLORED SPARROW and Lincoln's Sparrow at Green-Wood Cemetery Dell Water this morning; Lincoln's also at Sylvan Water. American Woodcock in the park, too, #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:59 PM on Fri, Oct 26, 2018:
Bklyn Bridge Park Pier 6. 2 American Goldfinch, 2 white crowned sparrow (1 immature) and a Lincoln in the bushes to the south #birdbk. via @Elizabe38884450
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Bklyn Bridge Park Pier 6. 2 American Goldfinch, 2 white crowned sparrow (1 immature) and a Lincoln in the bushes to the south #birdbk. via @Elizabe38884450
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:10 PM on Fri, Oct 26, 2018:
EASTERN BLUEBIRD flew over the hills by Sylvan Water at Green-Wood Cemetery #birdbk via Gus Keri
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EASTERN BLUEBIRD flew over the hills by Sylvan Water at Green-Wood Cemetery #birdbk via Gus Keri
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Fwd: Red shouldered Hawk
From yesterday's sighting , photographed by Janet Zinn
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Zinn <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 11:33 PM
Subject: Red shouldered Hawk
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Zinn <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 11:33 PM
Subject: Red shouldered Hawk
Here you go if you still want to post it.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) Lark photo
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 9:34 PM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
Today's EASTERN MEADOWLARK at Prospect Park Nethermead #birdbk via @wildnewyork
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Today's EASTERN MEADOWLARK at Prospect Park Nethermead #birdbk via @wildnewyork
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)EABL Photo
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:17 PM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
EASTERN BLUEBIRD at Prospect Park, #birdbk via @wildnewyork
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EASTERN BLUEBIRD at Prospect Park, #birdbk via @wildnewyork
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Two for Two plus one
When Sean Sime tweeted out his early morning alert that "migrants were streaming up Ocean Parkway towards the park" it was a good omen straight from the birding maestro. It was good birding in Prospect Park with several quality birds to boot.
First up at the bases along the Ball fields western berm was EASTERN BLUEBIRD.Found by Karen Ohearn , with later help from Janet Zinn who took me back to the spot, the Bluebird was perched in a large Elm above ball field number 3. It caught a worm, consuming the delicacy in the elm while Janet, Alan, Toni and I watched the "official State Bird". A wonderful species to watch around this time of year.This was the first of two birds I was successful getting replying to tweets.
The second successful catch was the EASTERN MEADOWLARK. Hanging around from yesterday's observance by Rob Bate, this was a cooperative bird. I didn't see the Lark right away given directions it was near the renown Osage Orange tree ( with the bar in it). I searched for it from the eastern section thru the Nethermeads center. After seeing a perched AMERICAN KESTREL inside the "lawn triangle", thanks to children nursery people pointing the kestrel to me, I walked on towards the eastern area and found the Lark. Sauntering along the middle of the large eastern lawn, the bold bird didn't mind the people near it. Two for Two.
Last before my lunch hour ended, hurrying back to our plant nursery to get more plants, I took a cut through the Long Meadow north section. Seeing a closed off mesh fence area surrounding two water puddles, I thought this might be a terrific opportunity for birds. Getting closer, about ten sparrows were bathing in the puddles. Looking to the left one, I noted a chunky almost dumpy looking sparrow at the puddle edge . Seeing heavy breast streaking , immediately I looked at the face and noticed a bright white eye ring. VESPER SPARROW ! Great, plus one !
The area is close to Roosevelt Knob ,a mound that splits Long Meadow .Its marked by a boulder with a plaque indicating Teddy Roosevelt's association with the Boy Scouts planting trees in that section in 1919. On the south side of the knob, mature Basswood ( American Linden) held sparrows that frequently flew up and down.
Across the path to East Long Meadow,the reseeding fenced off area was alive with sparrows. There earlier, I found a LINCOLNS SPARROW with many CHIPPING SPARROWS.Eni and VInny added FIELD SPARROW in the same location as well.
IN other areas, particularly the western ball fields, Upper Sparrow bowl and woods, numbers of birds held sway. Mostly WHITE THROATED SPARROWS dominated the view, also Songs, flickers, juncos and the usual occupied the grounds. BLUE HEADED VIREO was spotted in Butterfly Meadow and the Sparrowbowl. A SHARP SHINNED HAWK flew into the Sparrowbowl trees giving fright to the sparrows.
And speaking of Hawks, a good one appeared over at Lakeside. A RED SHOULDERED HAWK, a beauty photographed by Janet Zinn , was found earlier by Linda Ewing.
a terrific birding day !
First up at the bases along the Ball fields western berm was EASTERN BLUEBIRD.Found by Karen Ohearn , with later help from Janet Zinn who took me back to the spot, the Bluebird was perched in a large Elm above ball field number 3. It caught a worm, consuming the delicacy in the elm while Janet, Alan, Toni and I watched the "official State Bird". A wonderful species to watch around this time of year.This was the first of two birds I was successful getting replying to tweets.
The second successful catch was the EASTERN MEADOWLARK. Hanging around from yesterday's observance by Rob Bate, this was a cooperative bird. I didn't see the Lark right away given directions it was near the renown Osage Orange tree ( with the bar in it). I searched for it from the eastern section thru the Nethermeads center. After seeing a perched AMERICAN KESTREL inside the "lawn triangle", thanks to children nursery people pointing the kestrel to me, I walked on towards the eastern area and found the Lark. Sauntering along the middle of the large eastern lawn, the bold bird didn't mind the people near it. Two for Two.
Last before my lunch hour ended, hurrying back to our plant nursery to get more plants, I took a cut through the Long Meadow north section. Seeing a closed off mesh fence area surrounding two water puddles, I thought this might be a terrific opportunity for birds. Getting closer, about ten sparrows were bathing in the puddles. Looking to the left one, I noted a chunky almost dumpy looking sparrow at the puddle edge . Seeing heavy breast streaking , immediately I looked at the face and noticed a bright white eye ring. VESPER SPARROW ! Great, plus one !
The area is close to Roosevelt Knob ,a mound that splits Long Meadow .Its marked by a boulder with a plaque indicating Teddy Roosevelt's association with the Boy Scouts planting trees in that section in 1919. On the south side of the knob, mature Basswood ( American Linden) held sparrows that frequently flew up and down.
Across the path to East Long Meadow,the reseeding fenced off area was alive with sparrows. There earlier, I found a LINCOLNS SPARROW with many CHIPPING SPARROWS.Eni and VInny added FIELD SPARROW in the same location as well.
IN other areas, particularly the western ball fields, Upper Sparrow bowl and woods, numbers of birds held sway. Mostly WHITE THROATED SPARROWS dominated the view, also Songs, flickers, juncos and the usual occupied the grounds. BLUE HEADED VIREO was spotted in Butterfly Meadow and the Sparrowbowl. A SHARP SHINNED HAWK flew into the Sparrowbowl trees giving fright to the sparrows.
And speaking of Hawks, a good one appeared over at Lakeside. A RED SHOULDERED HAWK, a beauty photographed by Janet Zinn , was found earlier by Linda Ewing.
a terrific birding day !
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:10 PM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
VESPER SPARROW, small closed off water puddle by Roosevelt Knob in North Long Meadow with bathing sparrows, Prospect Park #birdbk via @BBCKingsbirds
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VESPER SPARROW, small closed off water puddle by Roosevelt Knob in North Long Meadow with bathing sparrows, Prospect Park #birdbk via @BBCKingsbirds
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:56 PM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
Cooperative EASTERN MEADOWLARK, Nethermead east lawn section, south end near middle lawn triangle, Prospect Park #birdbk via @BBCKingsbirds
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Cooperative EASTERN MEADOWLARK, Nethermead east lawn section, south end near middle lawn triangle, Prospect Park #birdbk via @BBCKingsbirds
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 10:03 AM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
Lincoln sparrow with nice # of Chipping sparrows,etc in East Long meadow reseeding fence section,NE fro pucnic house Prospect
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Lincoln sparrow with nice # of Chipping sparrows,etc in East Long meadow reseeding fence section,NE fro pucnic house Prospect
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 9:59 AM on Thu, Oct 25, 2018:
Eastern meadowlark at the nethermead rn #birdbk via @russ_owl
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Eastern meadowlark at the nethermead rn #birdbk via @russ_owl
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Fwd: bluebird in gwc today (-:
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: karenohearn <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 24, 2018 08:52 PM
Subject: bluebird in gwc today (-:
Fwd: GWC birds
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 7:03 PM
Subject: GWC birds
To: Peter Dorosh <>
From: Orrin Tilevitz <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 7:03 PM
Subject: GWC birds
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Field sparrow near Sylvan Water, a cooperative golden-crowned kinglet (one of hundreds), and one of yesterday's white-crowned sparrows.
Fwd: Rusties and Mark
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rob Bate <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 4:36 PM
Subject: Rusties and Mark
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Peter Dorosh <>
From: Rob Bate <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 4:36 PM
Subject: Rusties and Mark
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Peter Dorosh <>
Rusties, Bluebird,Gallinule and a decent lunch
Before anybody gets the wrong impression from the headline, I repeat-- I didn't have any of those birds for lunch. Rather, what the strong wind bought in and kept down was the real situation.
At three RUSTY BLACKBIRDS were observed today.During a 25th anniversary tree planting for a Natural Resources supervisor at the Binnen Pool aroun 1130, Rob Bate passing by noticed two Rusties on the lawn behind the planting. They were coming out from beneath the Pagoda Dogwood tree, ripen with fruit. It seemed kind of funny the birds picked a spot where a party was happening. Then later at 115, a single RUSTY BLACKBIRD walked on the lawn at the mouth of the "Sparrowbowl" again pointed out to me by Rob Bate as I repaired a fence.
Information from Rob alerted me to good birds at the northeastern section of the Nethermead near Three Arches Bridge. Reported there by Rob was EASTERN BLUEBIRD, FIELD SPARROW, LINCOLNS SPARROW & NASHVILLE WARBLER. I hope to find at least the Bluebird after work.
Our PURPLE GALLINULE remains in town. According to Brooklyn Bird Alert twitter, its still in the same spot all along, the shoreline near the War Memorial at the Lefrak Lakeside Rink.
Last, a word about my decent lunch. AS usual , my close proximity to the Sparrowbowl & ballfields to my work office place, I found on my short hour 5 species sparrows and WINTER WREN. The Sparrowbowl had WHITE THROATED, SONG ,SWAMP SPARROWS& PURPLE FINCH female. Along the Tennis House south border , in the Mugwort and Smartweed line, a WINTER WREN popped out with a nice number of sparrows. Then venturing over to ball field 2 and 3, two WHITE CROWNED SPARROWS held company with a lone.SAVANNAH SPARROW, They were feeding in the alley between the field dugouts.
A late word. Rob found a brief staying EASTERN MEADOWLARK on the Nethermead,a good flock of CHIPPING SPARROWS & flyover BALD EAGLE .
Over in Greenwood cemetery, Karen OHearn spotted 5 EASTERN BLUEBIRDS in the Sylvan Water area close to 8th Ave transection,signifying this species migratory movement now.
At three RUSTY BLACKBIRDS were observed today.During a 25th anniversary tree planting for a Natural Resources supervisor at the Binnen Pool aroun 1130, Rob Bate passing by noticed two Rusties on the lawn behind the planting. They were coming out from beneath the Pagoda Dogwood tree, ripen with fruit. It seemed kind of funny the birds picked a spot where a party was happening. Then later at 115, a single RUSTY BLACKBIRD walked on the lawn at the mouth of the "Sparrowbowl" again pointed out to me by Rob Bate as I repaired a fence.
Information from Rob alerted me to good birds at the northeastern section of the Nethermead near Three Arches Bridge. Reported there by Rob was EASTERN BLUEBIRD, FIELD SPARROW, LINCOLNS SPARROW & NASHVILLE WARBLER. I hope to find at least the Bluebird after work.
Our PURPLE GALLINULE remains in town. According to Brooklyn Bird Alert twitter, its still in the same spot all along, the shoreline near the War Memorial at the Lefrak Lakeside Rink.
Last, a word about my decent lunch. AS usual , my close proximity to the Sparrowbowl & ballfields to my work office place, I found on my short hour 5 species sparrows and WINTER WREN. The Sparrowbowl had WHITE THROATED, SONG ,SWAMP SPARROWS& PURPLE FINCH female. Along the Tennis House south border , in the Mugwort and Smartweed line, a WINTER WREN popped out with a nice number of sparrows. Then venturing over to ball field 2 and 3, two WHITE CROWNED SPARROWS held company with a lone.SAVANNAH SPARROW, They were feeding in the alley between the field dugouts.
A late word. Rob found a brief staying EASTERN MEADOWLARK on the Nethermead,a good flock of CHIPPING SPARROWS & flyover BALD EAGLE .
Over in Greenwood cemetery, Karen OHearn spotted 5 EASTERN BLUEBIRDS in the Sylvan Water area close to 8th Ave transection,signifying this species migratory movement now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 6:20 PM on Tue, Oct 23, 2018:
Nashville Warbler in Prospect Park, by Gus Keri
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Nashville Warbler in Prospect Park, by Gus Keri
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Purple Gallinule sticks around
Our Prospect Purple Gallinule now in its fourth day here, continues its residency at Lefrak Lakeside.
With the Gallinule taking great advantage of the plentiful food available there, it continues to patrol the shoreline adjacent to the Lakeside Rink complex west area. Its range stretches from the War Memorial all the way to the Lincoln Concert Grove wall during the day.It seems to favor though the middle section opposite Music Island. Our Gallinule uses the native plantings for cover on the shore, from pickle weed to grasses , yielding peeks at time for birders, and good looks other times.
With the Gallinule taking great advantage of the plentiful food available there, it continues to patrol the shoreline adjacent to the Lakeside Rink complex west area. Its range stretches from the War Memorial all the way to the Lincoln Concert Grove wall during the day.It seems to favor though the middle section opposite Music Island. Our Gallinule uses the native plantings for cover on the shore, from pickle weed to grasses , yielding peeks at time for birders, and good looks other times.
Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 7:57 AM on Tue, Oct 23, 2018:
Per linda P. Gallinule continues behind war memorial.
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Per linda P. Gallinule continues behind war memorial.
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Brooklyn Bird Club Eve program WINORR presentation
Tonight at the Grand Army Plaza Great Library
Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation ( they rescued the Prospect Great Horned Owls) and supported by our past Birdathon in May
Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation ( they rescued the Prospect Great Horned Owls) and supported by our past Birdathon in May
Monday, October 22, 2018
Fwd: Gallinule eating turtle.
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 22, 2018 07:11 PM
Subject: Gallinule eating turtle.
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 22, 2018 07:11 PM
Subject: Gallinule eating turtle.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 8:07 PM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
Today's continuing Prospect Park NELSON'S SPARROW gets its closeup video by Gus Keri
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Today's continuing Prospect Park NELSON'S SPARROW gets its closeup video by Gus Keri
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 7:15 PM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
What's for dinner? Turtle? That was what the Purple Gallinule was eating! Delicious! The colors of the Gallinule were absolutely beautiful! #birdbk via @charlesbrooklyn
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What's for dinner? Turtle? That was what the Purple Gallinule was eating! Delicious! The colors of the Gallinule were absolutely beautiful! #birdbk via @charlesbrooklyn
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) PUGA update
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 5:41 PM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
PURPLE GALLINULE still at Prospect Park Music Island, seen from Levy Esplanade #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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PURPLE GALLINULE still at Prospect Park Music Island, seen from Levy Esplanade #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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What does the Prospect Purple Gallinule eat?
I was posed the question about the Prospect's Purple Gallinule diet this past weekend. I'm sure its eating frogs and snails and the like to sustain its diet. But a friend today who asked not to be named showed me a spectacular photo of our eminent celebrity.
When I took a mid morning break at the Lakeside Rink, I walked over to a couple of photographers I know. A friend photographer came up to me and show me a photo he took of the young Gallinule,a sharp close head shot.It's holding a young turtle! The turtle's beak and front of its head was bitten off. And its not just any turtle, its a PAINTED TURTLE! . OH great , of all the zillions of invasive Red Eared Sliders we have in Prospect Lake, it picks on an uncommon native Painted.Well at least we know one thing about Prospect Purple Gallinule: it has good taste!
The PURPLE GALLINULE continues its stay on the shore near the War Memorial, but expanding its feeding range a little bit. Birders I talked to says it was seen on the water flora in front of the Concert Grove wall ( where Lincoln sees outward but the gallinule a little low for him) .
Sparrow numbers look like it declined, many taken off for southern climes. I birded the Sparrowbowl at lunchtime and saw mostly WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS and little else. However , the continuing NELSONS SPARROW was observed at the War Memorial shoreline, on water plants says Rob Bate.
A COOPERS HAWK flew over Lookout Hill according to a coworker of mine.
But there's eager anticipation for the coming weeks regarding winter finches (as forecasted to be a good season). Karen O' Hearn reported a single PINE SISKIN among HOUSE FINCHES at the Hammerhead Peninsula , at the Lakes extreme southwest corner.
When I took a mid morning break at the Lakeside Rink, I walked over to a couple of photographers I know. A friend photographer came up to me and show me a photo he took of the young Gallinule,a sharp close head shot.It's holding a young turtle! The turtle's beak and front of its head was bitten off. And its not just any turtle, its a PAINTED TURTLE! . OH great , of all the zillions of invasive Red Eared Sliders we have in Prospect Lake, it picks on an uncommon native Painted.Well at least we know one thing about Prospect Purple Gallinule: it has good taste!
The PURPLE GALLINULE continues its stay on the shore near the War Memorial, but expanding its feeding range a little bit. Birders I talked to says it was seen on the water flora in front of the Concert Grove wall ( where Lincoln sees outward but the gallinule a little low for him) .
Sparrow numbers look like it declined, many taken off for southern climes. I birded the Sparrowbowl at lunchtime and saw mostly WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS and little else. However , the continuing NELSONS SPARROW was observed at the War Memorial shoreline, on water plants says Rob Bate.
A COOPERS HAWK flew over Lookout Hill according to a coworker of mine.
But there's eager anticipation for the coming weeks regarding winter finches (as forecasted to be a good season). Karen O' Hearn reported a single PINE SISKIN among HOUSE FINCHES at the Hammerhead Peninsula , at the Lakes extreme southwest corner.
Greenwood this morn
From Orrin
GWC very birdy. Lincoln's sparrow at Sylvan Water. 3 white-crowned sparrows at Valley Water, then 3 an hour later at Sylvan Water. (Could be same birds.)
Tweet from ko (@KarenOhearn) pine siskin Southwest lake
ko (@KarenOhearn) tweeted at 10:39 AM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
1 Pine Siskin in with some house finch. Hammerhead Prospect!
( southwest4193?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Egmail%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E3)
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1 Pine Siskin in with some house finch. Hammerhead Prospect!
( southwest4193?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Egmail%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E3)
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Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder) purp Gallinule
RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 10:31 AM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
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Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder) Nelson's sparrow at war memorial 1000am
RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 10:05 AM on Mon, Oct 22, 2018:
Nelson's Sparrow water plants behind war memorial
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Nelson's Sparrow water plants behind war memorial
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Tweet from Heidi (@heidicleven) bittern snacks , awesome video
Heidi (@heidicleven) tweeted at 8:54 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
WARNING! Do not watch this if you are sensitive to birds killing and eating other birds! Don't tell me I didn't warn you! The American Bittern in Prospect Park today...
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WARNING! Do not watch this if you are sensitive to birds killing and eating other birds! Don't tell me I didn't warn you! The American Bittern in Prospect Park today...
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) purple GALLINULE continues
PUGA still present - currently feeding in the open, usual spot war memorial area shore
purple gallinule continues!!!! #birdbk via @RyanFMandelbaum
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Sunday, October 21, 2018
The Prospect Patagonia pucnic table effect. Yep it did happen...
was a great gift to us. Not only it bought in birders far and wide, it bought in multiple pairs of eyes ,an invasion of extra vision assets that found for us additional rarities to the benefit of visiting and local birders.
To understand the meaning,I copied and pasted the birding term below:
The Patagonia picnic table effect (also known as the Patagonia rest area effect or Patagonia rest stop effect) is a phenomenon associated with birding in which an influx of birdwatchers following the discovery of a rare bird at a location results in the discovery of further rare birds at that location, and so on, with ...
Since the Gallinules' s appearance late Friday,birders coming to see the southern prize saw the following rarities:
was a great gift to us. Not only it bought in birders far and wide, it bought in multiple pairs of eyes ,an invasion of extra vision assets that found for us additional rarities to the benefit of visiting and local birders.
To understand the meaning,I copied and pasted the birding term below:
The Patagonia picnic table effect (also known as the Patagonia rest area effect or Patagonia rest stop effect) is a phenomenon associated with birding in which an influx of birdwatchers following the discovery of a rare bird at a location results in the discovery of further rare birds at that location, and so on, with ...
Since the Gallinules' s appearance late Friday,birders coming to see the southern prize saw the following rarities:
Though two of the above birds was not in the closed vicinity of the Gallinule's range,its unlikely these species might have been found by a single or few birders covering a big park. Even the four BRANT over lake west shore I spotted enroute to the rink qualifies as a good park bird.
While all the hoopla focused on the Music Island area,Greenwood Cemetery experienced a highly active day. Read Ryan Goldberg's report in a previous post. He reported good numbers of sparrows but sightings of almost stepped on AMERICAN WOODCOCK and RED SHOULDERED HAWK takes top prize there.
Back to Prospect,a few notables were found today. A late NORTHERN ROUGH WINGED SWALLOW was found over the Lake,photo photographed by Sean Sime. I saw an adult WHITE CROWNED SPARROW at Lamppost 249 Well Drive picnic tables,with a juvenile.A HOODED MERGANSER remains in the Lake.
Good numbers of Yellow rumped Warblers,Kinglets and a host of other sparrows abound. It's been a busy weekend!
Continue to search the shores opposite Music Island towards the War memorial for the Gallinule. I saw it below birders at the pickleweed shore across from the Island. The Bittern was on a mainland boulder excellently seen on the island's other side. This was around 3pm.
Most astounding today centered on the bittern. It was observed behaving like a carnivore,something so unusual to believe .It was catching Warblers and Kinglets for snacks! One video taken by Gus Keri ,seen on Brooklyn bird alert Twitter ,showed the bittern gobbling a apparent Palm Warbler! Talk about wild! It's Nature at its finest.
So much writing this weekend yet most excellent fall birding!
Fwd: photos today's raritires
Prospect music island Purple GALLINULE & American Bittern by Paul Chung
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Chung <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 06:44 PM
Subject: photos
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Chung <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 06:44 PM
Subject: photos
Attached are a few photos of the Gallinule and Bittern.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) bittern snacks
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 5:17 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
Today's Prospect Park AMERICAN BITTERN lunched on a colorful and tasty Palm Warbler, by Gus Keri
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Today's Prospect Park AMERICAN BITTERN lunched on a colorful and tasty Palm Warbler, by Gus Keri
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Fwd: Green-Wood today
Hot spot over there...
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Goldberg <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 02:48 PM
Subject: Green-Wood today
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Goldberg <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 02:48 PM
Subject: Green-Wood today
Hi Peter,
I'd never seen Green-Wood as birdy as it was today. I started around Battle Hill, and although the raptor flight didn't amount to much, save for an immature bald eagle, there were huge flocks of sparrows, finches, and warblers streaming into the cemetery and feeding all along the paths to the 20th Street entrance. I ran into Josh M. and we had a pine siskin call overhead, a Lincoln's, field, and numerous white-crowned sparrows. Later, the Dell Water was crackling: a kestrel, red-shouldered hawk, and sharp-shinned buzzed overhead while down below there were a pair of Tennessee warblers, Lincoln's and Swamp sparrows, purple finches, winter and house wrens, an indigo bunting, and more kinglets than one could count. The way they've let the Dell Water re-wild is bringing in the birds.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 4:39 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
The NELSON'S SPARROW that @cheftomcoughlan found this afternoon on Music Island is worthy of note: it is the first record of this species in four years for Prospect Park.
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The NELSON'S SPARROW that @cheftomcoughlan found this afternoon on Music Island is worthy of note: it is the first record of this species in four years for Prospect Park.
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:59 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
Best through binocular pic I got. Nelson's sparrow in the south side on music island right now, Prospect Park. #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Best through binocular pic I got. Nelson's sparrow in the south side on music island right now, Prospect Park. #birdbk via @cheftomcoughlan
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 3:42 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
As of 315, Amer bittern on mainland Boulder,facing NW side Music Island: PURP GALLINULE on other side of island,mainland at small boulders
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As of 315, Amer bittern on mainland Boulder,facing NW side Music Island: PURP GALLINULE on other side of island,mainland at small boulders
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:16 PM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
Mourning Warbler, Dell Water at Green-Wood Cemetery near drip #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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Mourning Warbler, Dell Water at Green-Wood Cemetery near drip #birdbk via @Ibirdsometimes
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Savage nature at music island
Per Sean this morn.
American Bitter currently is picking off Warblers feeding along shoreline of Music Island. Nature is no joke!
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 11:09 AM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
#Birdbk wellwater at greenwood cemetery is chock full of birds. Lots of warblers and sparrow. Merlin flyover and almost stepped on a woodcock. via @oldbizmark
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#Birdbk wellwater at greenwood cemetery is chock full of birds. Lots of warblers and sparrow. Merlin flyover and almost stepped on a woodcock. via @oldbizmark
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North of the Tennis House or west of Picnic House
Per Mike Y
Orange-crowned Warbler around the edges of the Sparrowbowl on the Long Meadow
GALLINULE update and plus one
The PURPLE GALLINULE reappeared this more by the Rink war memorial shoreline. Simply look for all the birders.
In addition a Patagonia effect, an AMERICAN BITTERN was now being seen on the north shore of Music Island ,right of the memorial.
Good boids on a Sunday morning!
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 9:50 AM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
AMERICAN BITTERN on north side of Music Island in Prospect Park
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AMERICAN BITTERN on north side of Music Island in Prospect Park
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 9:42 AM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
#Birdbk purple gallinule seen minutes ago by war memorial. Pack of birders searching now. via @oldbizmark
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#Birdbk purple gallinule seen minutes ago by war memorial. Pack of birders searching now. via @oldbizmark
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 8:08 AM on Sun, Oct 21, 2018:
Brendan Fogarty says :Just got to the gallinule spot, have not sen any body else here yet. Just flushed an American Bittern from the war memorial edge though. Bittern still around but now out of sight to north. No gallinule yet.
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Brendan Fogarty says :Just got to the gallinule spot, have not sen any body else here yet. Just flushed an American Bittern from the war memorial edge though. Bittern still around but now out of sight to north. No gallinule yet.
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Saturday, October 20, 2018
Fwd: Purple Gallinule Photo
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower --Albert Camus
-----Original Message-----
From: Klemens Gasser <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 9:30 pm
Subject: Purple Gallinule Photo
From: Klemens Gasser <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 9:30 pm
Subject: Purple Gallinule Photo
Sparrowy Greenwood Cemetery
Committed to a promise to bird with my friend Mary with birding intentions at Ft Tilden, we opted to bird Greenwood Cemetery instead due to road closures from today's Brooklyn Half Marathon. It turned out fortuitously for us staying local. While the urge to see the Purple Gallinule was in the back of my mind, sparrows are my second love after warblers and Greenwood's wide open quiet spaces entices the sparrow.
If Prospect Park has its "Sparrowbowl, then Greenwood's Sylvan Water should be called the "Sparrowwaterbowl". All along the north shore, it was teeming with sparrows. Using the mausoleums as blinds, we picked up seven sparrow species. Among the usual, we found uncommon LINCOLNS and WHITE CROWNEDS in the mix. At one stop, we saw a weeping bush that had three WHITE CROWNEDS perched with SONGS atop the bush. Then a beautiful looking FIELD SPARROW posed eloquently at the left side for at least ten minutes before a SONG chased it.
We soon climbed up Sylvan's left slope and there we picked up two more sparrow species, EASTERN TOWHEE and DARK EYE JUNCO made it eight and nine. But more satisfying though was a handsome male BLACK THROATED BLUE WARBLER under the tree where HERMIT THRUSHES, GOLDEN CROWNED and RUBY CROWNED KINGLETS also joined the fray.
We picked up more WHITE CROWNEDS along the way. In fact we saw eleven White crowneds on our GWC tour. I don't believed Ive seen that many in a single day Brooklyn location. ;one adult at the Kiamie Crypt ( Or the hawk watch near Lenny Bernstein's grave) with a few juveniles, a few at Meadow Avenue near the PP west Cemetery entrance; another at Dellwater. It added up, a delightful experience watching these gorgeous birds especially the dignified adult White crowned.
At Meadow Avenue, we picked up a single Savannah, achieving our tenth sparrow species for the day. A eleventh was out of our grasp as a VESPER SPARROW was reported by Will Pollard west of the Valley Water after we left the cemetery.WE cant get them all!
Warblers took us by surprise for the number on this late day.Tops was late NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH at Sylvan Water. Add in PALMS, PINE (FIRST FALL ),YELLOW RUMPED, BLACKPOLL and NORTHERN PARULA for the complete list.
Over Sylvan Water, the air show commenced. CHIMNEY SWIFTS, late birds, zipped thru the air. Then a triple threat of RED TAILED HAWKS swooped and glided around. AT one point, two of the Redtaileds took a swipe at a passing startled Great Blue Heron, first Ive witnessed this action on a Great Blue. Seeing this interaction by the hawks fulfills birding passion.
Speaking about the Redtaileds, we both saw an immature bird fly in and perched above us at Dellwater. It had a flicker prey and we watched it trying to pull the dead bird through the branches on the same limb with difficulty. Then it proceeded to rip apart the flicker.
Meanwhile, that Purple Gallinule in that other park beckons....
If Prospect Park has its "Sparrowbowl, then Greenwood's Sylvan Water should be called the "Sparrowwaterbowl". All along the north shore, it was teeming with sparrows. Using the mausoleums as blinds, we picked up seven sparrow species. Among the usual, we found uncommon LINCOLNS and WHITE CROWNEDS in the mix. At one stop, we saw a weeping bush that had three WHITE CROWNEDS perched with SONGS atop the bush. Then a beautiful looking FIELD SPARROW posed eloquently at the left side for at least ten minutes before a SONG chased it.
We soon climbed up Sylvan's left slope and there we picked up two more sparrow species, EASTERN TOWHEE and DARK EYE JUNCO made it eight and nine. But more satisfying though was a handsome male BLACK THROATED BLUE WARBLER under the tree where HERMIT THRUSHES, GOLDEN CROWNED and RUBY CROWNED KINGLETS also joined the fray.
We picked up more WHITE CROWNEDS along the way. In fact we saw eleven White crowneds on our GWC tour. I don't believed Ive seen that many in a single day Brooklyn location. ;one adult at the Kiamie Crypt ( Or the hawk watch near Lenny Bernstein's grave) with a few juveniles, a few at Meadow Avenue near the PP west Cemetery entrance; another at Dellwater. It added up, a delightful experience watching these gorgeous birds especially the dignified adult White crowned.
At Meadow Avenue, we picked up a single Savannah, achieving our tenth sparrow species for the day. A eleventh was out of our grasp as a VESPER SPARROW was reported by Will Pollard west of the Valley Water after we left the cemetery.WE cant get them all!
Warblers took us by surprise for the number on this late day.Tops was late NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH at Sylvan Water. Add in PALMS, PINE (FIRST FALL ),YELLOW RUMPED, BLACKPOLL and NORTHERN PARULA for the complete list.
Over Sylvan Water, the air show commenced. CHIMNEY SWIFTS, late birds, zipped thru the air. Then a triple threat of RED TAILED HAWKS swooped and glided around. AT one point, two of the Redtaileds took a swipe at a passing startled Great Blue Heron, first Ive witnessed this action on a Great Blue. Seeing this interaction by the hawks fulfills birding passion.
Speaking about the Redtaileds, we both saw an immature bird fly in and perched above us at Dellwater. It had a flicker prey and we watched it trying to pull the dead bird through the branches on the same limb with difficulty. Then it proceeded to rip apart the flicker.
Meanwhile, that Purple Gallinule in that other park beckons....
A Prospect Park Mega boid like a Purple Gallinule equals a flash mob
Prospect's third PURPLE GALLINULE (the others 1985 and 2004) not surprisingly brought out the mobs. It has after all been 14 years such a species put in an appearance in NYC. I opted to bird Greenwood Cemetery in the morning to avoid the zaniness ; however I already had a commitment to bird with a friend elsewhere. But after so many morning reports particularly a bird that shows some purple, I came late in the afternoon to see this so called big celebrity.
For birders still hoping to see this mega boid Sunday, here's the details: the Purple Gallinule currently prefers the shoreline anywhere from the blue stone plaza towards the Music Island. Simply look for the War Memorial that I included a photo in a previous post below and search behind it. The memorial is due west of the Lefrak Rink complex on the lake shore.
When I arrived there around 4:15, I immediately spotted a small flash mob crowd, a size more to my liking.Sean Sime the original finder of the bird late yesterday afternoon at the Peninsula point, was among the observers. Sean briefed me the Gallinule's location.After 10 minutes hiding, the bird emerged from the reeds out unto the water primrose matting, skipping along to various spots. It was mere feet from the shoreline at one point and actually coming towards the small flash mob! It eventually kept moving towards the plaza, disappearing into the native flora on the shore there. Linda Ewing and I went to the plaza where Klemens Gasser met us and re found the Gallinule walking along the water edge , with a brief outward movement on lily pads. If the bird stays overnight, focus on this stretch of shoreline towards the Music Island past the War Memorial.
While the megar rarity Gallinule took all the attention, a few folks noted nearby good birds. A LINCOLNS SPARROW shared the drier area of the shoreline with the Gallinule, exactly behind the memorial around 430 pm. Earlier, a reliable report of BLUE GROSBEAK ; a juvenile bird appeared somewhere in the general area.
I'll post my Greenwood Cemetery report soon.
For birders still hoping to see this mega boid Sunday, here's the details: the Purple Gallinule currently prefers the shoreline anywhere from the blue stone plaza towards the Music Island. Simply look for the War Memorial that I included a photo in a previous post below and search behind it. The memorial is due west of the Lefrak Rink complex on the lake shore.
When I arrived there around 4:15, I immediately spotted a small flash mob crowd, a size more to my liking.Sean Sime the original finder of the bird late yesterday afternoon at the Peninsula point, was among the observers. Sean briefed me the Gallinule's location.After 10 minutes hiding, the bird emerged from the reeds out unto the water primrose matting, skipping along to various spots. It was mere feet from the shoreline at one point and actually coming towards the small flash mob! It eventually kept moving towards the plaza, disappearing into the native flora on the shore there. Linda Ewing and I went to the plaza where Klemens Gasser met us and re found the Gallinule walking along the water edge , with a brief outward movement on lily pads. If the bird stays overnight, focus on this stretch of shoreline towards the Music Island past the War Memorial.
While the megar rarity Gallinule took all the attention, a few folks noted nearby good birds. A LINCOLNS SPARROW shared the drier area of the shoreline with the Gallinule, exactly behind the memorial around 430 pm. Earlier, a reliable report of BLUE GROSBEAK ; a juvenile bird appeared somewhere in the general area.
I'll post my Greenwood Cemetery report soon.
Blue Gros beak
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) (1)
- Reported Oct 20, 2018 11:45 by Rafael Campos-Ramírez
- Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9686421&ll=40.6553787,-73.9686421
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Probably juvenal. Seen by others, too."
- Reported Oct 20, 2018 11:45 by Rafael Campos-Ramírez
- Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9686421&ll=40.6553787,-73.9686421
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Probably juvenal. Seen by others, too."
Fwd: Day List
See Rob's prospect list showing PURPLE GALLINULE PHOTO,on boulder
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Jett <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Jett <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Location: Prospect Park
Date: Oct 20, 2018 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Species: 22
Canada Goose
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
Mourning Dove
PURPLE GALLINULE (1, Prospect Lake next to WWI monument at Lakeside Center.)
Great Blue Heron (1.)
Red-tailed Hawk (1.)
Blue Jay
American Crow
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
White-crowned Sparrow (1.)
White-throated Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumped Warbler
House Sparrow
Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 4:26 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2018:
PURPLE GALLINULE continues mere feet from flash mob , behind the Lefrak rink war memorial.alughting on var water primrose fauna
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PURPLE GALLINULE continues mere feet from flash mob , behind the Lefrak rink war memorial.alughting on var water primrose fauna
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![]() |
war memorial |
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:45 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2018:
A BLUE GROSBEAK was seen midday at Prospect Park Lake #birdbk via @PPbirder
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A BLUE GROSBEAK was seen midday at Prospect Park Lake #birdbk via @PPbirder
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 2:46 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2018:
VESPER SPARROW west of Valley Water, Green-Wood Cemetery #birdbk via @billmiky
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VESPER SPARROW west of Valley Water, Green-Wood Cemetery #birdbk via @billmiky
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Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)
The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 0:35 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2018:
Ten sparrow species thus far in Greenwood cemtery inc 9 white crowneds ( 3 adults), Lincoln's. Sylvan water North shore best
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Ten sparrow species thus far in Greenwood cemtery inc 9 white crowneds ( 3 adults), Lincoln's. Sylvan water North shore best
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Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) purp Gallinule
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 0:04 PM on Sat, Oct 20, 2018:
PURPLE GALLINULE at Prospect Park Lake on west edge of Music Island #birdbk via Gus Keri
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PURPLE GALLINULE at Prospect Park Lake on west edge of Music Island #birdbk via Gus Keri
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PUGA update
Purple Gallinule comes out into the open by the War Memorial near Lefrak Rink, Prospect Park
Map location on google
Map location on google
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) PP GRASSHOPPER SPARROW
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 9:01 PM on Fri, Oct 19, 2018:
GRASSHOPPER SPARROW seen briefly late today in Prospect Park by "lamppost 249," south of Lookout Hill and Well House Drive off the NW corner of the Lake. Another rarity to seek tomorrow!
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GRASSHOPPER SPARROW seen briefly late today in Prospect Park by "lamppost 249," south of Lookout Hill and Well House Drive off the NW corner of the Lake. Another rarity to seek tomorrow!
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Sat Purple GALLINULE update
Mike Yuan rept
PUGA persists. Unfortunately in the dark I flushed it from the point right of the Rustic Shelter and it flew to Duck Island
Dick island is SE Across from the point
Friday, October 19, 2018
Purple GALLINULE details
At Peninsula point ( rustic shelter)
Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica) (1)
- Reported Oct 19, 2018 16:30 by Sean Sime
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Young bird, but already developing two tone bill and beginnings of shield. All white undertail coverts rule out Common Gallinule. Video to follow"
Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica) (1)
- Reported Oct 19, 2018 16:30 by Sean Sime
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Young bird, but already developing two tone bill and beginnings of shield. All white undertail coverts rule out Common Gallinule. Video to follow"
Fwd: Semipalmated Sandpiper.
From this morning at Prospect lake west shore
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 19, 2018 07:13 PM
Subject: Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Tang <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 19, 2018 07:13 PM
Subject: Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Last record of purple GALLINULE
A quick check .
The last record in prospect was mid OCTOBER 2004. Shane Blodgett confirmed the species; Jerry Layton was the original finder who passed along the discovery
So I was close. 14 years ago. My memory still good.
The last record in prospect was mid OCTOBER 2004. Shane Blodgett confirmed the species; Jerry Layton was the original finder who passed along the discovery
So I was close. 14 years ago. My memory still good.
Folks we have a mega boid!
Sean Sime just reported at 530 this afternoon a immature PURPLE GALLINULE at the Peninsula tip where the Rustic Shelter is. Hopefully more details.
We had a immature purple gallinulemaybe 13 years ago ? Same general locale.
Sean Sime just reported at 530 this afternoon a immature PURPLE GALLINULE at the Peninsula tip where the Rustic Shelter is. Hopefully more details.
We had a immature purple gallinulemaybe 13 years ago ? Same general locale.
Fridays tidbits in Prospect
Two bird species stand out today,both connected to shoreline ,birds prospect sees infrequently,falling in the "rarity" class.
The first species spotted by Linda Ewing were two SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERS. Found on the wall shoreline of the Lake's West shore, we see these birds every several years.
Then an afternoon report emanated out of the Peninsula,not mentioned exactly where was an immature SORA RAIL. Phil Hoff found it feeding out in the open. Here's hoping the sighting sticks around tomorrow.
Other than that, from quick glances there were very few active avian spots. On the west side of Roosevelt knob in North Long Meadow,I did see what looks like numbers of Chipping Sparrows flying up into the trees. However I was too busy working.
Paige Linden reported abundant bird and good raptor activity at Owls Head Park. This park is about 60 acres,small compared to Prospect's s 568; but small acreage condenses the bird movement and thereby offers more fun birding- you don't have to walk alot there!
Enjoy the weekend birding.
The first species spotted by Linda Ewing were two SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERS. Found on the wall shoreline of the Lake's West shore, we see these birds every several years.
Then an afternoon report emanated out of the Peninsula,not mentioned exactly where was an immature SORA RAIL. Phil Hoff found it feeding out in the open. Here's hoping the sighting sticks around tomorrow.
Other than that, from quick glances there were very few active avian spots. On the west side of Roosevelt knob in North Long Meadow,I did see what looks like numbers of Chipping Sparrows flying up into the trees. However I was too busy working.
Paige Linden reported abundant bird and good raptor activity at Owls Head Park. This park is about 60 acres,small compared to Prospect's s 568; but small acreage condenses the bird movement and thereby offers more fun birding- you don't have to walk alot there!
Enjoy the weekend birding.
Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn)
Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 1:43 PM on Fri, Oct 19, 2018:
SORA juvenile reported midday at Prospect Park Peninsula
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SORA juvenile reported midday at Prospect Park Peninsula
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