Friday, October 11, 2019

a crack in the Sparrow door

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In a hopeful sign for those very tardy sparrows at this date, at least 6 sparrow species were reported today in Prospect. The highlight continues to be the LARK SPARROW of south Prospect Lake.

Kathy Toomey along with Bob ONeill spotted the Lark Sparrow on the mainland in a tree opposite the Three Sisters Islands. I have Kathy's photo that I will forward soon in the next post. Further detail from Kathy when I ran into her revealed it was hanging out with a House Sparrow flock . Apparently it roves and elusive as I have found out several times I went searching unsuccessfully for it including this afternoon.

At the famed Sparrowbowl west of the Picnic House, a juvenile WHITE CROWNED SPARROW led a few sparrow there, according to Maureen. Also spotted was SAVANNAH, SWAMP , SONG and WHITE THROATED. A third birder Radka reported a LINCOLNS in the Vale of Cashmere.

Other mention from Kathy and Bob was while on Well Drive, they watcedh a mini -kettle of hawks above Lookout Hill's south face. In the kettle was SHARP SHINNED, COOPERS, MERLIN and two REDTAILED HAWKS.

It's a trickle but a start hopefully for the weekend.