Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday's Grasshopper

Greenwood Cemetery got today's highlight bird,actually two good birds with one rare find near the Civic Virtue statue.And then there are those late birds that makes things interesting around this time.

The top bird is GRASSHOPPER SPARROW. This ammodramus species-- always a prized find --was found by Rob Jetts entourage about 330 near Civic Virtue after a morning leading the BBC to Floyd Bennett. In the same vincinity,a young DICKCISSEL was reported by Joshua earlier. Lastly also in Greenwood,the continuing female or juvenile BLUE GROSBEAK hangs out at Dellwater.

Meanwhile over at Prospect,interesting sightings makes October fun. Two Black Vultures drifted over Grand Army Plaza ,resighted at the Nethermead meadow airspace shortly after. Add in yellowish Tanager ( and also in GWC)  in the Sparrowbowl & a late American Redstart for good birds.