Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesdays briefs

The highlight today continues to be the LEAST BITTERN in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Add a few other nice birds elsewhere for Wednesday means birders enjoy something.

The Japanese Hill and Pond continues - in the same location- to host the Least BITTERN . In front of or near the covered shelter bench before the island is where the BITTERN hung out loyally. A Green Heron and Great Egret came to visit. From reports it comes out and goes back into hiding. Patience is a virtue.

For birders in Prospect,two highlights there is the Bicknells Thrush and Olive sided Flycatcher.

Look for the singing Bicknells on the south perimeter of the Rose Garden ( adjacent to the Vale Cashmere). The clinching song nails the species from Gray cheeked Thrushes.

An Olive sided Flycatcher was reported aroun 1 pm on Lookout Hill's summit. This species favors dead snag,perched at the top as usual.

In Greenwood Cemetery, an empidonax Flycatcher as it's peak time for this genera was reported as an Alder. Again, knowing the song helps distinguish from Willow flycatchers. The Dellwater was this observation spot today.

Solitary Sandpiper at Lower Pool and Canada Warbler at Esdale Bridge were some gems in Prospect . Baybreasted Warblers in few numbers were reported at west Lookout Hill slope and near Lakeside rink.

That's Wednesday for birders