Under this cold snap no one welcomes in early April, some birds tough it out, and some birds push on while other birds don't mind.
For a week now, the Prospect Lake RED THROATED LOON persists on. Linda Ewing reported the loon this morning.
I ran into Melanie after work and received a few reports. At the North end of the BB Garden Cherry blossom explained, about a dozen CHIPPING SPARROWS mingled on the slope. Also noted, two or maybe three BELTED KINGFISHERS in the general Ravine area. PINE WARBLERS ,BLUE GRAY GNATCATCHERS at the Lower Pool back gate appeared according to Melanie.
I got the Pines, and also EASTERN PHOEBE at the Lower Pool back gate, the Phoebe alighting on numerous branches.Soon a second Phoebe showed, one actually flopping on the water surface wings spread out to grab a water bug. The Gnatcatchers I found two at Ambergill falls were low and excellently viewed , including a great looking male bird. Some Flickers flew around most at the Nethermead grounds.