Friday, May 7, 2021

Day of the Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeaks dominate the day's birding in Prospect. Migration urge has spurred them on joining a few seen on the ground level.

A good start with this species began with early AM ten flyovers at Quaker Cemetery entrance. Not far from that spot, at southwest Butterfly Meadow, the lower of two meadows atop Lookout Hill, one cooperative bird was seen. Later a report mention a number of them high up in the Midwood canopy. Unbeknown was the few residing at the Vale Cashmere. A report mention one at Highland Park adjacent to Ridgewood Reservoir.

Joining the EVENING  GROSBEAKs were HOODED WARBLERS in Prospect. Besides one seen or heard at Falkill Falls,two had Lookout Hill for their stronghold.

Switching over to Greenwood Cemetery ,a fallout commenced this late afternoon at the Dellwater " drip". 15 species Warblers within a span of 45 minutes delighted birders.( Bummer, my timing was way off as my visit was in the dead morning). Nearby at the Crescent water Niblo crypt ,same time generally, a Summer Tanager.

Lastly, in Greenpoints McCarren Park, 2 Orchard Orioles joined ten plus warbler species and a Lincoln Sparrow.

It's going to be damp and likely wet tomorrow but take my advice : wear a raincoat and go birding! ( It's Birdathon day)