Other ducks that reached the ten milestoner, 8 RINGNECKED DUCKS at Duck Island with a pair of WOOD DUCKS and drake AMERICAN WIGEON fulfilled the quacky morning. Shovelers numbering 15, some AMERICAN BLACK, 4 BUFFLEHEADs at West Island cove, and plenty of RUDDY to add in.
Meanwhile , what I thought was a long gone Redpoll, I was surprised to see the previous long present bird still here. In the usual Well Drive picnic tables , behind the pines, there it was , the COMMON REDPOLL feasting on its favorite food , birch catkins.
A report came through of the park's season first PINE WARBLER in the Ravine, from Linda Ewing. Several spots had EASTERN PHOEBE, in Midwood west slope and Upper Pool locales. While I was working , I noted flyover 4 GREAT BLUE HERONS at the Nethermead, a sign that spring may be breaking out very soon.
KB Oversight: PIED BILLED GREBE also observed, near West Island