It was one of those days I guess didn't reflect a big push of migrant birds. But there it was: evidence of numbers and birder reports from a few that a fallout commenced. One birding friend said prospect was still active into the afternoon. In parks across northern Brooklyn, it was Birdy everywhere.
For example take the word of the Brooklyn bird club who had their weekly walk. Just a short distance from their starting point, "lamppost249" treated them well: a immature Summer Tanager with all green body with a vertical red stripe on its breast; black billed cuckoo ; and 15 species warblers just off the south slope of Lookout Hill. A standing party!
See Bobbi' s report in the previous post.
Prospect saw its first fall Connecticut Warbler ( finally). Greenwood wasn't going to claim solo rights. Courtesy of Richard Payne, he spotted the skulker along the phragmite edge across from the well house , or by the Ginkgo trees on the lake side of the Peninsula. ( Ridgewood Reservoir by the way also boasted a Connecticut today on the trail along the western impoundment)
Also on the Peninsula a Philadelphia Vireo showed up along the meadow edge. But Greenwood owns the win likely three Phillies, two together near the 20th /PPW Ave entrance. The third one was on Orchard Hill at Landscape Ave and Hillock path.
Smaller parks like Owls head park benefited from the surge as well, a birder there saying it was "very Birdy". Regardless where you were, I'm sure you saw birds,all in the home stretch songbird peak.
The day was so good, a friend mentioned :" I stayed in one spot on the far end of the peninsula meadow for 2 hours!"
There are many more species to mention. Look at the following checklists for details.
Prospect 95 species
GWC 87 Species
Bklyn br park 47 species
Owls head