Monday, May 9, 2016

A Golden Prize among the swift birds.

The planet Mercury transited the Sun today in a rare event, our swiftest planet like the birds this morning, as swift good action continued over from yesterday's surge.Topping the prize was the overnight GOLDEN WINGED WARBLER, following a taunting HOODED WARBLER, and a fair number of CAPE MAY WARBLERS, single reports of CANADA and BLACKPOLL (nyet! ) culminating in 19 species warblers today. Totaling both days in Prospect and Greenwood Cemetery, Kings County warbler list topped 30 species ( Pine warbler was added from yesterday)

Up on Lookout Hill, the action was quite good in the oaks, BLACKBURNIAN, NASHVILLE,CAPE MAY, CHESTNUT SIDED, WORMEATING, PRAIRIE hilighted some of the quality birds there.A male BLACKPOLL WARBLER fed thru the large oak at the Maryland Monument top steps, a species we dislike seeing now so early after a slow week when we have just started enjoying good sunny weather.Supposedly when the female species Blackpoll comes thru, the migration is half over.We are NOT ready for that!

 In the Ambergill pool on the south side of Esdale Bridge, two NASHVILLE WARBLER bathed in the creek, a great opportunity for birders to see these high canopy birds down low.Yellow rumpeds and Ovenbird joined in the splash..

But topping all warblers, the GOLDEN WINGED WARBLER male takes first prize. Found by Richard Payne, with Rob Bate joining him,I happened to be driving along the path at the Upper Pool backwater, when Rob gestured "Golden winged ". I be darned ! After  being flustered by an elusive HOODED WARBLER in the Ambergill pool area, my 4th unsuccessful attempt for this species this spring, the GOLDEN WINGED WARBLER ameliorated my frustration. The bird was seen low in elm saplings by the road fork just south of the Falkill Falls, before the path drops down towards Center Drive. What darn luck! Thanks also to Steve Nanz finding the bird yesterday and Joshua Malbin helping in with the ID for the high up bird at Quaker Cemetery gate.

Meanwhile, The HOODED WARBLER stays all morning in the Ambergill Pool area, singing incessantly but revealing itself few times. Rafael Campos was a lucky dude, snapping off a great photo of the bird.I gave up waiting for this elusive bird.

CAPE MAY WARBLERS swiftly came through, seen in several locations. Bartel Pritchard Square entrance, the Tennis House trees, Lookout Hill switchback trail ,and the Picnic House trees were some locations visited by this handsome bird today.

The rink habitat also revealed a good bird, WHITE CROWNED SPARROW. Like the HOODED, it too gave me the shy treatment, never showing off itself  even as I searched vainly the habitats along the lake edge by the boat ramp to the war memorial.

Another worthy bird , colorful to watch was INDIGO BUNTING. I found one at Lullwater Cove; another was reported at Falkill Falls path where the Golden Winged was.

Last , SOLITARY SANDPIPER continues at Lily Pool, in its comfort zone for at least a week now.Prospect is great feeding so why go ?

Prospect Park, Kings, New York, US
May 9, 2016
Protocol: Incidental ( ALL BIRDERS)
19 species

Ovenbird  X
Worm-eating Warbler  X
Black-and-white Warbler  X
Nashville Warbler  X
Common Yellowthroat  X
Hooded Warbler  X
American Redstart  X
Cape May Warbler  X
Northern Parula  X
Magnolia Warbler  X
Blackburnian Warbler  X
Yellow Warbler  X
Chestnut-sided Warbler  X
Blackpoll Warbler  X
Black-throated Blue Warbler  X
Yellow-rumped Warbler  X
Prairie Warbler  X
Black-throated Green Warbler  X
Canada Warbler  X

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